Hard Water Softeners, Filters

We are Manufacturer, Supplier, Exporter, Services Provider Of Hard Water Softeners, Hard Water Filters, Fully Automatic Hard Water Softeners / Filters, Residential Hard Water Softeners / Filters, Commercial Hard Water Softeners / Filters, Industrial Hard Water Softeners / Filters from Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Fully Automatic Hard Water Softeners And Filters - AquaPura

When water is referred to as ‘hard’ this simply means, that it contains more minerals than ordinary water. These are especially the minerals calcium and magnesium. The degree of hardness of the water increases, when more calcium and magnesium dissolves. Magnesium and calcium are positively charged ions. Because of their presence, other positively charged ions will dissolve less easily in hard water than in water that does not contain calcium and magnesium.

This is the cause of the fact that soap doesn’t really dissolve in hard water complicate soap and detergent dissolving in water. Water softening is a technique that serves the removal of the ions that cause the water to be hard, in most cases calcium and magnesium ions.Iron ions may also be removed during softening. The best way to soften water is to use a water softener unit and connect it directly to the water supply.

  • Protect Appliances and Skin
  • Iron Removal
  • Eco-Friendly
  • Advanced Smart Technologies
  • Residential, Commercial & Industrial
  • Bungalows
  • Throughour the House
  • Bathroom, Laundry & Kitchen
 Hard Water Softeners And Filters - AquaPura
Fully Automatic Hard Water Softeners And Filters - AquaPura

Imagine how different your life would be if you no longer had to worry about the problems caused by hard water

What is hard water ?

Hard water is water that is contaminated with dissolved minerals like calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, lead and limestone that can have a negative impact on you, your household and your pocketbook. Depending on where you live, contaminants from sewage, industrial waste and agricultural run-off can also seep into your water supply.

Hard water produce a scaly buildup which can clog pipes and appliances.
hard water effects

Your hard water impacts everything it touches, from your appliances, to your sinks and drains and even your skin and hair, leaving scale-build up, stains and scum. With a AquaPura water softener in your home you'll notice the difference immediately. The time you'll save on cleaning and the money you'll save on cleaning products. You will protect your water-using appliances from limescale and reduce the worry of dealing with repairs and replacements caused by limescale build up.

Hard water can cause yellowish stains on toilets, bathroom fixtures, clothing making them much harder to clean. Hard water can also cause skin irritation
hard water impacts

AquaPura Water softeners eliminate the effects of hard water

The softener contains a bed of resinbeads which hold sodium ions. As the water passesthrough the softener, the resin beads attract and hold the magnesium and calcium ions and release the sodium ions, making the water soft thus extending the useful life of water heaters, washing machines, Jacuzzi, coffee makers, bathroom fitting and household plumbing systems by as much as 30%.

Hard water fills the tank. As it passes through the resin, the hard water ions are attracted to the resin. By the time the water gets to the bottom of the tank, it's soft.
To wash off hard water minerals from the resin, brine water is injected into the softener
Water softeners eliminate

Soft water makes a difference you can feel and see, all over the house.

In the Bathroom : Your soap and shampoo will lather better. Your hair and skin will feel noticeably cleaner, softer, and not as dry. And there will beno soap scum or mineral deposits to clean off sinks, showers, tubs and toilets.

soft water in bathroom

In the Laundry : Clothes will be softer, cleaner, whiter and brighter. Plus they will last longer. Using soft water and pure soap products increases the life of clothing, towels and linens up to 33%. Without hard water service issues, washing machines last longer, too.

soft water for Laundry

In the Kitchen : Dishes will clean up more easily, and be spot free, without the gray film glasses get when etched by mineral-laden water. Plus hands will feel softer and Iook better.

soft water for kitchen

Throughout the House : Water-using appliances will last longer and run better. Why? Because hot water heaters, washing machines and dishwashers used with hard water can wear out 30% faster.

soft water for throughout the house

Whole house Filteration System for Bungalows

Package comprises of

  • Bag Filter
  • Cation Softener
  • Reverse Osmosis Purifier (R.0 System)
hole house Filteration System for Bungalows
Product Categories
  • With soft water in your home, all the time you had to spend dealing with limescale will now be your free time to do the things you really want to do.
  • soft water

  • A water softener in your home will make you feel better bathing, improve the taste of water, and allow soaps and detergents to clean better.
  • water softener

  • softeners and filters
    softeners and filters
